Towerhill Pharmacy & Travel Vaccination Clinic

435 Walsall Rd, Birmingham, B42 1BT

Opening Hours

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Opening Hours

Monday: 7am – 9.30pm,

Tuesday: 7am – 9.30pm,

Wednesday: 7am – 9.30pm,

Thursday: 7am – 9.30pm,

Friday: 7am – 9.30pm,

Saturday: 7am – 9.30pm,

Sunday: 8am – 9pm

Skin Infections

Visit Towerhill Pharmacy if you have a Skin Infection

The skin is the body’s initial defence against microorganisms that cause infections. Even though our skin’s surface is covered in bacteria, having healthy skin may typically keep us from getting sick. Keep reading to find out more about our Skin Infections service in Birmingham.

Skin infections caused by bacteria can spread to a big region or only affect a tiny patch. They might range from a minor skin problem to a potentially fatal infection. Many skin surfaces, particularly those near the nose, mouth, genitals, and anus, can support the harmless growth of these bacteria.

Any time the skin is pierced or broken, bacteria may enter the wound and result in an infection like boils or pimples.

Skin infections service in XXXXX

What signs indicate a skin infection?

Redness, warmth, swelling, skin tenderness, boils, and blisters are all signs of a skin infection.

How can skin infections spread?

Bacteria can spread from an infected person’s skin to frequently used objects or surfaces and then onto the skin of the next user.

When two people have extended skin-to-skin contact, bacteria from the infected person’s skin can transfer to the healthy skin of the other person.

Towels, soap, clothing, and athletic equipment are a few examples of items that are frequently shared. In other words, anything that may have come into contact with the skin of a person who has the infection can spread the bacteria to the skin of another person.

How can we help with our skin infections service?

Consult with us as soon as you think you might have a skin infection. Early intervention can lessen the risk of the infection getting worse.

Make sure you carefully adhere to any instructions given by your healthcare practitioner.

Even if you feel better, finish the entire course of medication.

Get in touch with Towerhill Pharmacy today for effective skin infection treatment.